Mental food, as you rush. Vinit Bhansali's blog

Tag chatgpt

Founders anticipating GPT-5

Early whispers from folks is that GPT-5 is about to drop something big. And for startup founders, this kind of news fuels new startup dreams. I’m hearing that GPT-5 isn’t just going to be an upgrade to 4; but will… Continue Reading →

Why AI Should Sometimes Forget

AI’s short memory can be refreshing, preventing echo chambers and encouraging our ever-changing curiosities; it keeps us exploring afresh

On AI & jobs

AI doesn’t take away jobs.
People using AI do.

Meeting Atty of OpenAI

Speaking with OpenAI’s Atty Eleti about the API and Plugins that are going to massively expand ChatGPTs use cases.

The pace of change: Up, Up and Away

Looking back to the mid-90s, knowing Visual Basic and building GUI apps was suddenly insufficient. Developers like me had to quickly learn HTML, CSS, and other technologies. Soon, the proliferation of PHP and JavaScript (Ajax!) necessitated yet another round of… Continue Reading →

Using AI to help talk about AI

I used ChatGPT to explain the impact of AI to 1st year students.

Here’s an excerpt of a talk I gave at CMR Institute Of Technology last month

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