One thing that differentiates an entrepreneurial person from someone who isn’t one, is that entrepreneurs put in the effort to discover problem statements.

They do this by pattern recognition, user interviews, optimisation of existing solutions, etc. Of course, an entrepreneur is someone who then builds solutions to those problems as well, thereby unlocking enterprise value.

With AI, the focus has shifted away from the industrial-revolution-era expectation of “problem solvers” to modern day “problem discoverers”, or “use-case finders”.

Once these problems are discovered, validated and confirmed, using AI to figure out solutions is actually the less ardourous task.

Going back to THGTG, AI will give us our 42. The problem (question) is the real trick and this is where humans will benefit from value-unlocking opportunities.

People who can ask great questions, think across domains (humanities, tech, philosophy, arts, etc) are going to be valued over those who are stuck in unidimensional thinking.

Luckily, most successful entrepreneurs are multi-dimensional thinkers.

