There is this entire world beyond the small number of sites that talk about Web 2.0 and cheer each other over minor victories and launches of website betas. Web 2.0 and people reporting about it have always made me wonder … why is there such a big buzz about such a limited market/group of people? Are they vocal just because they can be?!

I mean, what % of the computer owning population really uses all the sites that take up most of TechCrunch’s (and others like him) time?

Got it proven today when I read how Apple didn’t even bother to send Mike Arrington (the same guy who companies desperately send out beta invites too) a review sample iPhone!

Basically, when it comes to a consumer focused device that is meant to be sold and make money for it’s makers … traditional media still holds strong!

Of course, because he didn’t get a free iPhone, Mike has to crib that NY Times and WSJ give the phone a thumbs-up just so they get more free stuff in the future.

Knock! Knock! Last time I checked, I didn’t like Walt’s “such a Apple fanboy” image either. But I don’t think he gives a product a positive review just to get a free unit. Mike and cronies on the other hand … the lesser said the better about their reasons!

Mike Arrington mossberg iphone nuisance

