After spending time with me waiting for the Sony PSP … it was now payback for Surabhi … I was dragged, kicking, screaming and generally not very interested to the launch of Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince at midnight on Friday 15th July.

Yeah, I know how popular he is, in certain circles …

Barnes and Noble: Harry Potter launch party

Barnes and Noble: Midnight Half Blood Prince Launch

Of course, now that most people I know have read all his books, I guess it’s time for me to start off on them …
So finished with the first 3 books over the weekend.
And now that I know that Harry And Cedric both reach for the Goblet in book 4, will complete that tonight too!!

Here is a very happy Surabhi, with her book … notice the 1 hour lag between when we were inside and finally got the book … 1:30AM!!! This book better be worth it.

Finally: Surabhi with her new book

Though, Surabhi’s two-word review of the Half Blood Prince: Too Dark

Hmm, what me worry!


